Brand Logos
Designing Different Brands
Client - Various
Deliverables - Branding, Design and Guidelines
In the diverse world of branding, logos serve as visual ambassadors for companies across all sectors. From the sleek minimalism of tech logos to the appetising warmth of food brands, each industry faces unique challenges in standing out. Here are just a few that I’ve created.
Client - Kellogg’s Australia
Category - Breakfast Cereal
Client - AppLab Holdings
Category - Financial Technology Platform
Client - Origomics
Category - Online Loan Platform
Client - O’Hagans Butchers
Category - Premium Sausages
Client - Crowd Hub
Category - Online Investment Platform
Client - Tourism & Events Queensland
Category - Tourism
Client - Unilever OMO
Category - Consumer Cleaning Products
Client - Matta Matta Dairy Association
Category - Dairy & Yoghurt
Client - Arenridge
Category - Winery & Accomodation
Client - Glaucoma New Zealand
Category - New Zealand Glaucoma Institute
Client - SureMate
Category - Insurance Gateway
Client - PawsEco
Category - Online Pet Wholesale / Retail Platform
Client - Proper Pasty Company
Category - Baked Goods
Client - PostTag
Category - Online Delivery Tracking Service